Your body needs these three forms of movement every week

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the various forms of movement that can significantly enhance our overall well-being. I’ve discovered that incorporating three types of movement into my weekly routine—daily, athletic, and social—has been transformative. Daily activities like walking around my neighborhood and stretching right after waking up help keep my body mobile and my circulation flowing smoothly. Then, I push myself a few times a week with athletic movements such as running or lifting weights, steadily building my strength and endurance. Nothing beats dancing with friends or joining a friendly game of volleyball for fun and social interaction. This balanced approach keeps me physically fit and mentally uplifted, making regular exercise an enjoyable part of my lifestyle. Have you ever wondered if you’re giving your body the needed movement? It’s easy to get caught up in our daily routines and forget the different ways we should move to stay healthy. I recently stumbled upon a video that emphasizes three types of movement essential for a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle: daily, athletic, and social.

Why Movement Matters

Movement isn’t just about staying in shape or losing weight. It’s about maintaining a holistic form of well-being that touches every aspect of our lives. Movement plays a crucial role in improving our mood, enhancing our physical capabilities, and even fostering social connections. Let’s dive deeper into these three forms of movement and why each one is indispensable.

Daily Movements

What Are Daily Movements?

Daily movements encompass the basic activities we perform every day—walking, stretching, bending, and even reaching for something on a high shelf. While often overlooked, these movements are foundational to our overall well-being.

Benefits of Daily Movements

Daily movements keep us mobile and flexible. They improve circulation, aid digestion, and prevent stiffness, which can become problematic as we age. Think about when you’ve been sitting for hours and how stiff you feel afterward. Incorporating simple daily movements helps alleviate that stiffness and keeps your body functioning smoothly.

How to Incorporate Daily Movements

Incorporating daily movements into your life doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Walking: Take a brisk 15-20 minute walk during your lunch break.
  • Stretching: Incorporate a quick stretching routine when you wake up and before bed.
  • Household Tasks: Engage in household chores like sweeping, vacuuming, or gardening.
  • Desk Exercises: If you have a desk job, do some simple stretches or leg lifts to keep the blood flowing.

Incorporate these small but impactful activities into your daily routine, and your body will thank you!

Your body needs these three forms of movement every week

Athletic Movements

What Are Athletic Movements?

Athletic movements involve more intense forms of physical activity, including, but not limited to, running, weightlifting, and yoga. These exercises are designed to push your limits, build strength, and enhance your cardiovascular health.

Benefits of Athletic Movements

Engaging in athletic movements a few times a week provides numerous benefits:

  • Builds Strength and Endurance: Exercises like weightlifting and running are excellent for building muscle mass and increasing stamina.
  • Improves Flexibility and Balance: Yoga and Pilates can help improve your flexibility and balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries.
  • Enhances Mental Health: The endorphin rush you get from a good workout is a natural mood booster. It’s an excellent way to fight stress and improve your emotional well-being.

How to Incorporate Athletic Movements

Incorporating athletic movements into your weekly routine doesn’t require a gym membership or expensive equipment. Here’s how you can start:

  • Running or Jogging: Aim for 20-30 minute runs thrice weekly.
  • Weightlifting: Use dumbbells at home or go to the gym twice weekly.
  • Yoga: Incorporate a 30-minute yoga session into your morning routine.

Social Movements

What Are Social Movements?

Social movements combine physical activity with social interaction. Think about dancing, playing volleyball, or engaging in any group sport. These activities merge the physical benefits of exercise with the joy of social interaction.

Benefits of Social Movements

Social movements offer a unique set of benefits:

  • Combines Exercise with Fun: Engaging in group activities makes exercise feel less like a chore and more like fun.
  • Boosts Mental Well-being: Social interaction is crucial for mental health. Activities that encourage socializing help reduce feelings of loneliness and depression.
  • Enhances Motivation: Being part of a group can boost your motivation. The support and encouragement from peers can help you stick to your fitness goals.

How to Incorporate Social Movements

Whether you’re an extrovert or introvert, there are ways to incorporate social movements into your life:

  • Join a Sports Team: Consider joining a local volleyball, soccer, or basketball team.
  • Dance Classes: Enroll in a dance class, whether it’s Zumba, salsa, or ballroom dancing.
  • Hiking Groups: Join a local hiking group to combine exercise with nature and socializing.

Your body needs these three forms of movement every week

Consistency and Variety Are Key

Consistency and variety are essential to ensure long-term adherence and overall health benefits. Here’s a simple weekly plan to incorporate all three types of movement:

Day Activity Type Example Activity
Monday Daily Movement 15-20 minute walk
Tuesday Athletic Movement 30-minute weightlifting
Wednesday Social Movement Dance class
Thursday Daily Movement Stretching routine
Friday Athletic Movement 20-30 minute run
Saturday Social Movement Volleyball game
Sunday Rest or Light Activity Leisure walk or yoga

Planning Ahead

One way to stick to this routine is by planning your week. Set reminders on your phone, join classes, and maybe even make a pact with a friend to hold each other accountable.

Making It Enjoyable

The most important thing is to ensure these activities are enjoyable. If you hate running, try cycling or swimming instead. If weightlifting bores you, maybe a boot camp class will be more your speed. There’s no one-size-fits-all; it’s all about finding what you enjoy so that you’re more likely to stick with it.


Incorporating these three types of movement—daily, athletic, and social—into your routine isn’t just about physical health and overall well-being. It’s about moving in ways that keep you flexible, strong, and socially connected.

So, what’s stopping you? Start today by adding just one of these movements into your routine. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you for it.

Here’s to a healthier, happier you through movement!

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