Stress is an inevitable part of life, but chronic and overwhelming stress can have lasting health implications. Luckily, natural remedies exist that can help soothe both mind and body.
Drinking tea or cuddling close can quickly help you feel better, and these simple strategies may also provide much-needed comfort.
1. Exercise
Exercise can be one of the most effective tools for relieving stress. Exercise stimulates endorphin production which in turn can elevate mood and self-esteem while increasing blood flow which in turn decreases tension and anxiety levels.
Stressful situations, both short-term and chronic, can trigger adrenaline and cortisol release within your body, elevating both blood pressure and heart rate. While short-term situations such as dodging a saber-toothed tiger might require this kind of “fight or flight” response from you body, long-term chronic stress keeps these responses engaged, potentially harming health in the long run.
Exercise and physical activity can help to relieve stress by relaxing tight muscle groups. You can take small steps like stretching at your desk or walking around in the park to move often-neglected muscle groups. Find an activity schedule that best fits you; hopefully this will reduce anxiety over time.
2. Take a Bath
Warm bath waters help ease stress and relax the body, as well as minimise sympathetic response (fight or flight), which is linked to anxiety and stress.
Studies suggest that bathing may also help improve sleep by warming the core body temperature before bedtime and increasing vitamin D levels, helping combat depression and reduce anxiety risk. This could even help combat depression itself!
Epsom salts can help relax and improve mood by encouraging serotonin and dopamine production, lavender oil has also been proven to promote relaxation while simultaneously lowering blood pressure – use drops on wrists or behind ears to get these benefits and add relaxing music playlists for even further mind peace!
3. Listen to Music
Music can help soothe both body and mind. It can even reduce cortisol, the hormone associated with stress that suppresses immunity. When selecting songs to relieve stress, make sure they are slow and relaxing. Furthermore, try listening at a moderate volume so as not to over stimulate yourself with too much music at once.
Playing an instrument and creating music of your own can be an excellent way to release pent-up energy or emotions, according to Ringgold. Furthermore, creating music allows the nervous system to return to its natural rest-and-digest state, leading to clarity and creativity.
Listening to music before bed can help you fall asleep more quickly and relax before facing stressors in the coming day. Music also serves as an effective distraction while performing activities requiring focus, such as writing checks or paying bills.
4. Breathe Deeply
Your breath can be an effective tool to relax both body and mind. Breathing slowly and deeply from your abdomen is one of the easiest ways to reduce anxiety; though practice will likely be necessary.
Rapid breathing can be a telltale sign of stress, leading to elevated blood pressure, irritability and tight muscles. Deep breathing helps slow your heartbeat down and bring down or maintain stable blood pressure levels.
As breathing deeply activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation of your body, the best way to learn is through speaking to a mental health professional or physical therapist. They can help identify sources of stress while teaching effective coping mechanisms; additionally they may assist with creating yoga or meditation practices which promote relaxation and stress relief – for those just starting out, consider seeking guidance from someone specialized in these topics as they will guide and direct you.
5. Take a Walk
Walking can be an excellent way to reduce stress while getting exercise; the CDC suggests 30 minutes a week of walking as part of your wellness regimen.
Studies have demonstrated the power of walking to improve mood, increase memory and attention capacity and decrease fatigue levels – as well as helping with weight loss by decreasing calorie consumption.
Stress-busting walks are also effective ways of changing your perspective, widening your horizons. When feeling stressed, we often become fixated on our problems which can lead to emotional withdrawal and outbursts. A walk can help refocus and remind yourself that life holds more important things than our stressors – walking in nature such as on a beach or trail can be especially therapeutic.
6. Hug a Loved One
When feeling down or overwhelmed, a hug from someone special can bring a great sense of comfort. Plus, hugging can also boost immunity and decrease stress levels!
Physical touch triggers the release of oxytocin, also known as the “cuddle hormone.” Oxytocin makes you happier while helping reduce blood pressure and stress-inducing hormone norepinephrine levels.
Stress is a normal part of life, but too much of it can have serious adverse health impacts. To effectively manage it and prevent its buildup, try these natural DIY remedies for stress relief in your daily routine for an easier, healthier life. If needed, consult a medical provider such as Delamere Health Manchester who can assess symptoms and recommend treatments to help ease them.
7. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy employs scent to alter mood and promote feelings of wellness. It uses oil-infused essential oils extracted from plant parts like flowers, roots, leaves, bark and peels that create therapeutic effects when inhaled through the nose or applied directly onto skin surfaces (through massage or bath treatments).
Different scents offer various therapeutic advantages; lavender is known to reduce stress and anxiety while bergamot, chamomile and sandalwood provide soothing effects.
Aromatherapy can be a powerful stress reliever when used properly; try diffusing revitalizing oils like peppermint and citrus or inhaling vapor from boiling water with some drops of essential oil, or inhaling its vapor from bowl. Just make sure that only high-grade essential oils are used, not fragrance, perfume, or synthetic versions as these could pose potential safety issues.
8. Breathe Deeply
Deep breathing can be an effective way to find peace. It can slow your heartbeat, lower your blood pressure and relax tense muscles while increasing production of endorphins – chemical that help combat stress.
People under stress tend to breathe faster and shallower than usual – this phenomenon, known as hyperventilation, only makes matters worse.
To practice deep breathing, sit or lie comfortably and place one hand on both your chest and stomach. Take slow, deep breaths focusing on raising the abdomen while maintaining relative calm in your chest area – repeat this sequence multiple times until you find what works for you! It may take practice but is an effective natural way of relieving stress and anxiety naturally; working with a therapist or counselor may also help manage this aspect better.
9. Eat a Healthy Diet
Diet is an invaluable way to combat stress. A diet rich in foods such as eggs, milk, oatmeal and dark chocolate can help ease tension. Stay away from junk food that contains high levels of sugar or caffeine as this could add even more pressure and cause your levels of anxiety to skyrocket.
Communication can help alleviate stress levels; even just talking with a close friend releases hormones that reduce your stress.
Tryptophan, an amino acid found in foods like turkey, yams and bananas can be converted to serotonin to boost your mood. Furthermore, B vitamins found in avocados, egg yolks and spinach may also play a part in regulating mood as can magnesium-rich nuts like almonds and pistachios; magnesium rich nuts such as almonds can even aid with anxiety issues while fiber rich foods like berries, apples and leafy greens help fight against oxidative stress and inflammation.
10. Exercise
Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. Unfortunately, many individuals turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as binge eating or binge drinking in an attempt to manage stress levels – thereby further adding to anxiety levels. Luckily, natural alternatives exist that may help alleviate anxiety levels.
One effective form of stress relief is exercise. Even though it may feel strenuous at times, exercise actually relieves it by increasing brain-derived neurochemicals that make you more resilient. Aerobic exercise is one way to quickly decrease stress; even just 10 minutes of brisk walking can be enough to bring peace back into your life.