Constipation is a common gastrointestinal ailment caused by various factors; however, it doesn’t need to be an ongoing battle – oftentimes just making small adjustments in diet and lifestyle can bring relief.
To help ease this uncomfortable and painful digestive problem, we have assembled some natural DIY remedies for constipation that are simple to prepare and will prove extremely effective.
1. Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe Vera Juice is an effective natural remedy for constipation that can easily be made at home. Packed with sorbitol – which softens stool – this remedy provides quick relief.
Though excessive aloe juice consumption should be avoided, taking even small doses each day can help ease constipation discomfort.
Aloe vera may also help relieve symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). A small trial demonstrated its efficacy by significantly reducing pain and bloating associated with this condition.
Aloe latex contains anthraquinone compounds that promote bacterial metabolism, intestinal motility and peristalsis; however, excessive consumption over a prolonged period may lead to diarrhea as well as other unwanted side effects.
2. Pear Juice
Pear juice is an energizing and nutritionally-packed beverage to aid constipation relief, boasting both insoluble and soluble fiber content.
Soluble fiber comes from within plant cells, and when mixed with water it forms a gel that softens stool for easier passage.
Each medium-sized pear contains approximately 5.5 grams of soluble fiber, or roughly 22% of the recommended daily allowance.
Pear juice can act as a gentle laxative due to its high fructose content and presence of sorbitol, an absorbable sugar alcohol which draws water into the colon.
3. Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds make an excellent addition to any diet, as they contain protein, fiber and healthy fats – as well as providing essential minerals like calcium, iron and copper.
Sesame seeds contain oil and fiber content to lubricate the intestines and ease bowel movements, while their polyunsaturated fatty acid and magnesium content help stabilize blood pressure levels. Furthermore, sesame seeds may also benefit people suffering from high blood pressure as these ingredients contain polyunsaturated fatty acids and magnesium that may help manage their condition.
Constipation is a serious digestive problem, often brought on by too much junk food, caffeine or tea intake, sleeping late at night, stress and depression. Therefore, it is vital that we include more fiber-rich food in our diets while limiting oily or greasy options.
4. Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is a soothing beverage that has long been used as a natural solution for digestive ailments like bloating, gas and cramps. Peppermint has long been seen as an antidiarrheal remedy.
Tea is ideal when served hot or iced, and can be enjoyed solo or combined with other foods for a delicious beverage. Furthermore, adding other herbs can produce an aromatic herbal tea experience.
Before adding peppermint tea to your daily routine, it is wise to consult with your physician first. Peppermint could potentially worsen conditions like GERD, heartburn, hiatal hernias or kidney stones – so be mindful!
5. Ginger Tea
Addition of fresh ginger to your diet may help relieve pressure on the lower intestine, which is one of the primary causes of constipation. Furthermore, fresh ginger also reduces associated symptoms such as bloating and nausea associated with constipation.
Drinking ginger tea daily is one way to reap its many therapeutic benefits, and making your own batch couldn’t be simpler: all it takes is some ginger root and hot water.
Simply rinse a fresh chunk of ginger root (a 2-inch piece should do), slice thinly, and add directly into your mug. Pour boiling water over the slices and let them steep for five to 10 minutes before straining out your liquid and sweetening with honey or lemon juice as desired.
6. Sodium Carbonate
Sodium Carbonate, more commonly referred to as soda ash or washing soda, is an alkaline chemical found naturally in mineral waters and solid minerals such as natron and trona. Large-scale production can also be accomplished using the Solvay process from table salt.
Biochemical and molecular biology research make extensive use of potassium dihydroxide reagent. It’s widely utilized for applications like capillary electrophoresis and chromatography – as well as being the standard used in acid-base titrations.
Flue gas desulfurization (FGD), water treatment, soap and detergent production and pulp and papermaking are all manufacturing processes where this environmentally preferable product can be found useful. Due to its lower pollutant potential and lower carbon dioxide emissions levels, FGD offers several distinct environmental advantages over alternative processes.
7. Baking Soda
Constipation is one of the most prevalent stomach conditions, causing waste accumulation in the colon and an inability to pass feces easily.
However, home remedies may help relieve this discomfort; one such remedy is baking soda.
Baking soda is an effective laxative that can loosen stools and ease constipation symptoms. Furthermore, it re-alkalizes your stomach while neutralizing acids produced during digestion.
Start each morning right by drinking a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda and a quarter cup of lukewarm water, starting early, to treat constipation or cleanse your colon. It may even serve as part of an overall wellness regime!
8. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has long been used as an effective home remedy to address various health conditions, from constipation to weight loss. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar may regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol.
Vinegar is made by fermenting liquid containing sugar sources, like apples or barley, with yeast and bacteria to produce alcohol which then converts into acidity – giving vinegar its characteristic tart flavor and aroma.
Apple cider vinegar contains an acid that can make stools easier to pass and alleviate some symptoms associated with constipation, like gas and cramping. Unfortunately, it doesn’t address the root cause of constipation so should be used alongside other natural treatments for constipation.
9. Blackstrap Molasses
Blackstrap molasses is a thick and dark-colored syrup produced from boiling sugar cane juice until its sugar crystallizes, before filtering to leave molasses behind.
Molasses of this variety is the darkest, thickest and most concentrated form. Additionally, it contains more vitamins and minerals than any other variety.
Calcium, iron and potassium all come together in this delicious treat that provides sweetened drinks and adds an irresistibly pleasant flavor to oatmeal dishes.
Effective natural laxative that works to soften stool and prevent constipation. Furthermore, it increases stamina and energy levels and improves sleep quality.
10. Omega-3 Oils
Omega-3 oils like fish oil and flaxseed oil can help increase your diet’s fatty acid intake, providing numerous health benefits such as reducing inflammation and heart disease risk.
However, they can cause side effects including digestive discomfort such as indigestion and heartburn, so it’s essential that supplements be taken with plenty of water and fiber, starting slowly.
Omega-3 oils are polyunsatured fatty acids with more than one double bond and can be found in plant-based foods like chia seeds, walnuts and flaxseeds.