Top 10 Natural DIY Remedies For Anxiety

The Top 10 Natural DIY Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety can be a normal and healthy emotion in some circumstances, but when it becomes excessive and overwhelming it can become detrimental and interfere with daily functions.

Try some of these natural DIY remedies to alleviate anxiety symptoms naturally, including exercise, aromatherapy and eating healthy food. These simple strategies may help soothe anxiety quickly.

1. Exercise

Anxiety is a normal and healthy part of life, yet unchecked it can become out-of-hand and turn into panic attacks. While medications and psychotherapy can provide some relief from anxiety symptoms, natural do-it-yourself techniques like getting enough restful sleep and limiting sugar consumption as well as eating a well-rounded diet may also help alleviate some symptoms.

Studies show that daily exercise such as yoga, meditation, walking or high-intensity interval training can significantly help alleviate anxiety. Furthermore, restricting sugar and processed food consumption may prevent sudden highs and lows that trigger panic. The American Dental Association Association also advises using stress-fighting supplements, like Ayurveda’s Ashwagandha as an antioxidant which reduces anxiety without producing sleepiness and can help balance one’s responses to stress. Chamomile tea contains mood-enhancing apigenin and luteolin that may help relieve anxiety. Furthermore, inhaling lavender’s scent may provide additional comfort; one 2012 study demonstrated this fact by measuring calmer scores among participants who inhaled lavender prior to medical procedures than those who didn’t inhale lavender at all.

2. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy with essential oils has long been thought to help ease anxiety. Extracted from different parts of plants, these essential oils can be inhaled directly or diluted and applied topically.

Lavender oil has long been considered an effective anxiety reliever. Studies suggest it can increase serotonin and decrease cortisol levels, both known to help alleviate stress levels.

Holy basil (tulsi) oil can also help provide soothing effects. Believed to act as a natural antidepressant and insomnia remedy, its soothing qualities could even prove effective!

Home remedies may be helpful, but they shouldn’t take the place of seeking professional medical advice if your anxiety symptoms become regular. Your healthcare provider might prescribe medication or offer more holistic solutions; plus they may suggest ways you can manage anxiety symptoms at home such as yoga, meditation and acupuncture.

3. Chewing Gum

Many of us have habits we do without much thought – such as brushing our teeth, tossing our hair into a ponytail, or chewing gum – which we may do without even realizing can actually be healthy for us.

Studies have revealed that chewing gum may help lower anxiety and stress levels. One such research project showed that people who chewed twice a day for two weeks reported feeling significantly less anxious and stressed compared to those who didn’t engage in this habit.

Be wary when selecting the gum you chew – some contain fillers like calcium carbonate and talc as well as artificial sweeteners which may interfere with gut bacteria, as well as chewing leading to more air being swallowed which could potentially cause gas and bloat. Choose an all natural gum made with minimal ingredients if possible.

4. Laughter

Laughter is nature’s natural way of alleviating physical and emotional discomfort and lifting your spirits. Laughing together strengthens bonds while offering perspective that allows us to see situations more positively.

Many medical studies have confirmed the efficacy of laughter as an antidote for anxiety. Laughter helps the body get oxygen-rich air and stimulate organs, leaving you feeling refreshed. Furthermore, laughter lowers cortisol levels while activating immune cells to fight sickness more efficiently.

Make an effort to seek out comedy and laugh often. Watch funny movies, read comic strips and spend time with people who make you feel happy – you don’t have to be an experienced comic to appreciate good humor – laughter will just come naturally to you! Laughter spreads quickly; laughing will likely become part of your natural routine!

5. Drinking Water

Though anxiety can be an everyday part of life, when it’s out of your control and interfering with daily activities it may require professional intervention. Natural remedies or lifestyle changes may prove helpful in managing anxiety.

Staying hydrated, cutting back on caffeine intake and limiting alcohol can all help relieve stress. Try linking your water consumption to something already within your routine such as drinking it when brushing your teeth or sipping during high-stress times during the day.

Additions like lemon or cucumber slices in water can help ease anxiety and promote restful sleep, though if the condition becomes severe it’s best to seek professional guidance. Therapists offer guidance for managing anxiety while prescribing medication if necessary as well as suggesting support groups and relaxation techniques that may help.

6. Eat Healthy Foods

Anxiety is a normal part of life, and can even serve a useful function by keeping you aware of potential threats and motivating you to remain organized and prepared. But left uncontrolled, anxiety can negatively impact the quality of your life – but making just a few simple adjustments to your daily routine could go a long way in helping you feel calmer.

Sleep, caffeine and alcohol intake, and eating healthy can help alleviate anxiety; however, for persistent or severe anxiety it’s essential to visit a therapist for support.

Feed your mood-enhancing magnesium and B vitamins through foods like beans, lentils, and chickpeas in your diet! They are also rich sources of vitamin D to reduce anxiety symptoms – just remember to consult your physician first if taking supplements or herbs as these may interact with certain medications.

7. Sleep Well

Sleep deprivation can significantly impact both our emotions and health, contributing to anxiety and stress as well as contributing to many chronic diseases like heart disease and high blood pressure.

Sleep well by avoiding caffeine, alcohol and junk food that could trigger anxiety symptoms. Incorporating balanced nutrition, including magnesium and omega-3 rich food in your diet.

Aromatherapy with essential oils such as lavender can help ease anxiety. Try diffusing it throughout your home or adding drops directly onto pillows or adding it to tea as part of an aromatherapy treatment plan.

Small studies suggest that 5-HTP supplements may help relieve anxiety. Before taking 5-HTP, however, it’s wise to consult your physician first because 5-HTP could interfere with certain prescription and potentially cause serotonin syndrome when taken in large amounts – this condition is life-threatening and should be discussed thoroughly with all possible treatment options such as psychotherapy or psychopharmaceuticals.

8. Meditation

Though anxiety is a natural part of life, when it becomes unmanageable it should be sought from friends, family or therapist. If it becomes detrimental to daily activities it may require seeking professional help in form of either professional counselling services, social groups or support networks in your local area or professional therapist.

Meditation helps to calm the mind, reduce stress, and foster healthy sleep patterns. Furthermore, mindfulness allows one to recognize unwholesome mental states and disengage from them more readily.

Chamomile tea is an effective natural treatment for anxiety, with compounds like apigenin and luteolin that boost your mood and increase relaxation. Lavender oil or taking amino acid GABA may also help alleviate anxiety while improving sleeping and relaxing your mind and body. Before trying any herbs or supplements intended to reduce anxiety, always consult your health care provider first as some have harmful interactions with certain medications. Furthermore, cutting back on caffeine consumption and adopting a more nutritious lifestyle diet are great lifestyle changes to address anxiety as a whole.

9. L-Lysine Supplements

L-lysine, often found in animal foods such as meat, fish and dairy products, is well known for its numerous health benefits including helping prevent cold sores and alleviating anxiety. Furthermore, L-lysine strengthens a body’s natural anti-stress response system while simultaneously increasing levels of serotonin (a mood-boosting neurotransmitter).

Participants who took lysine supplements along with amino acid arginine experienced decreased cortisol and feelings of anxiety, particularly those who experienced chronic stress-induced or trait anxiety.

Before taking any new natural or herbal supplement for anxiety treatment, it is wise to consult your physician as many can interact with prescription medications, including antidepressant SSRIs which commonly prescribed antianxiety medication kava root and 5-HTP may interact. Side effects from such interactions could include dizziness, dry mouth, nausea and weight loss.

10. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Anxiety is a normal response to stress, but when it becomes out-of-hand it can have serious repercussions for daily functioning. Luckily, natural DIY remedies for anxiety may provide useful relief – either alone or as supplements to medications.

Journaling your emotions is one effective strategy to reduce anxiety symptoms and to identify automatic thoughts that contribute to it.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is a form of talk therapy designed to change negative thought patterns and behaviors, has been clinically shown as an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. Before trying any home remedies yourself, be sure to discuss them with a therapist, psychiatrist or primary care provider first; otherwise they could interact with any medications you’re currently taking or interact negatively with each other. For more information regarding mental health or anxiety in particular, K Health can assist.

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