Top 10 Culinary Herbs for Your Kitchen
Herbs are a great addition to any garden, adding flavour and color to both sweet and savory dishes. Herbs are also beneficial to your health, providing vitamins and minerals, as well as essential oils that can help clear skin and ease aches and pains.
Basil is the classic Italian herb, bursting with flavor when added to pasta dishes or tomatoes. It is an excellent partner for garlic and lemon, but can be used in other savory dishes as well.
1. Basil
Basil is a common garden herb that’s easy to grow and makes a delicious addition to a variety of dishes. It also has many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties that may help relieve pain and support liver function.
It can also help reduce blood pressure and lipid levels, fight microbes, and promote immune system function. However, more research is needed to determine its effectiveness for treating the common cold, flu, and other conditions.
Depending on the type, basil can be used in various ways to add flavor and fragrance to your favorite recipes. For example, sweet basil, which is often found in Italian cuisine, is a popular choice.
Lemon basil, on the other hand, has a more citrus-like taste and can add a slightly acidic flavor to a number of recipes.
While it’s best to use fresh basil in your cooking, you can dry it for long-term storage. Dried herbs lose a bit of their flavor and aroma, but they’re still incredibly tasty when made into teas or infused into a soup or pasta sauce.
2. Parsley
Parsley, or Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum, is a versatile herb that can be used in many different recipes. It adds a fresh, peppery flavor to foods and is available in both fresh and dried forms.
It can be a great addition to salads or as an ingredient in sauces, such as pesto. It can also be used in savory dishes, such as soups and stews.
In addition to adding a pop of color and fresh flavor, parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains high amounts of vitamin C, which supports your immunity and can protect you from chronic disease.
It is also a great source of calcium, which helps support strong bones. It is also a good source of vitamin K, which helps to promote bone metabolism and strengthens the body’s connective tissues.
3. Mint
The fresh coolness of mint adds a refreshing touch to drinks, desserts, and salads. It also pairs well with basil, making pesto a great way to use this herb.
It can also be used as a flavoring in dishes, such as mint chocolate chip ice cream or mojito cocktails. It’s also a popular ingredient for lamb dishes, and it adds a delicious twist to tabbouleh salads and quinoa.
Mint is an easy-to-grow perennial that will return year after year. It thrives in damp soil and likes to be in a bit of shade.
A variety of mint varieties are available, including spearmint, peppermint, yerba buena, and lemon balm. Some varieties, such as Yerba buena, have a mild, sweet, and refreshing taste.
In addition to adding a fresh-tasting flavor, mint also contains numerous health benefits. It supports brain function and various aches and pains, aids digestion, and helps relieve headaches. But be sure to check with your doctor before using mint if you have a medical condition.
4. Oregano
A staple in Mediterranean cuisine, oregano is an excellent herb to have on hand for any recipe. It adds a flavorful kick to sauces, stews, roasted meat, and more.
Oregano is also an excellent source of vitamins K, E, and calcium, along with antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It can also help treat respiratory conditions, including coughs and colds.
You can find oregano at your local grocery store in either fresh or dried form. Dried oregano is easier to find than fresh, but some people prefer the taste of fresh herbs.
Besides using oregano in your favorite recipes, you can also grow it in your own garden. This herb thrives in sunny locations and is easy to care for.
When choosing an oregano plant, look for one that has a bright green color and sturdy stems. Avoid varieties with ornamental flowers, which will have less flavor than a traditional oregano plant.
5. Rosemary
Rosemary, or Rosmarinus officinalis, is an evergreen shrub that has a lovely fragrance. It is native to the Mediterranean region but is cultivated worldwide for its culinary and medicinal benefits.
It’s a good choice for adding flavor to meat dishes, particularly lamb or pork, as well as soups and sauces. It is also great for enhancing a variety of homemade breads and biscuits.
Fresh rosemary is preferred for use in cooking. Look for sprigs that are deep sage green and free from yellow or dark spots.
The herb can be grown indoors in a container using sandy soil. It needs plenty of sun during the summer (six hours or more per day) but prefers cooler and moist conditions during the winter.
Rosemary can also be used as a natural air freshener. Simply place a few sprigs in a bowl or sachet to add a lovely herbal scent to your home.
6. Tarragon
Tarragon is a flavorful herb that adds an elegant note to dishes. It works well in a variety of stews, sauces, fish, and chicken dishes.
It also makes a great addition to marinades, combining with citrus and herb flavors for a lively, sophisticated taste. I like to combine finely chopped fresh tarragon with vinegar and butter to make a classic bearnaise sauce.
To store tarragon stems, place them in a small vase of water or roll them in a paper towel and put them in the refrigerator’s crisper drawer. They will keep for a week or more this way.
You can also dry or freeze tarragon for later use, which will preserve its flavor for about six months. To dry, assemble stalks into bundles and hang them in a dark, dry place for 7-10 days.
7. Bay leaves
Bay leaves are a culinary herb that has been used around the world for millennia. They have numerous benefits for your health, including being a digestive aid and a way to lower blood sugar levels.
A simple addition to soups, stews and other dishes, bay leaves infuse food with a slightly herbal, tea-like flavor. They are often paired with other herbs like oregano, thyme and rosemary.
The best dried bay leaves are fragrant and express woodsy aromas of pine, mint, menthol, and citrus. Their savory, floral and bitter notes pair well with other flavors and bring more depth and complexity to dishes.
They can be added to soups, stews and casseroles for extra flavor and aromatics, or thrown into a pot of boiling water with shrimp or crab to make a delicious infused tea. They can also be stored in a sealed container and kept for up to two years before losing their aroma.
8. Thyme
Thyme is a versatile herb that’s often overlooked, but can really boost the flavour of your dishes. It’s also an important part of herbal medicine and can help with a range of health issues.
It is a perennial herb that is indigenous to the Mediterranean region and grows in sunny, well-drained soil. It can be used in a variety of ways and is a good source of essential oils, as well as phenolic compounds and flavonoids.
Adding thyme to a dish can improve the flavor of soups, stews and even some salads. It pairs especially well with pork and fatty meats.
To get the most out of this aromatic plant, it is best to use fresh thyme leaves. Fresh thyme leaves are easy to find and will last a week or two in the refrigerator when stored properly.
9. Cilantro
Cilantro is a versatile herb that is used in everything from guacamole and salsa to curries, fajitas and chimichurri sauce. It evokes a taste of the Mediterranean, Mexico, Asia and India with its fresh zest and bright flavor.
It’s an excellent source of Vitamin A, C, K, potassium and manganese. In addition, it is high in anti-inflammatory compounds and has antioxidant properties to help prevent oxidative stress and disease.
A little bit of cilantro goes a long way in making your meals delicious and nutritious. It’s a great topper for your dishes, helping add color and taste to any dish.
Like parsley, cilantro has been a staple in cuisine across the world for thousands of years. It is an excellent natural diuretic, helping flush out toxins and heavy metals from the body, including aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. It can also boost your energy levels and improve your digestion.