Contrary to traditional medicine, holistic health professionals take an interdisciplinary approach when treating their clients, looking at how the body, mind and spirit all come together as one unit.
Essential oils have long been used as aromatherapy remedies, offering numerous health and well-being benefits. Their unique aroma is believed to stimulate the olfactory system by sending scent molecules from nose to brain and improve overall wellbeing.
Mood Enhancers
Essential oils known to promote positive emotions are an invaluable addition to any holistic healthcare practice. Used either via inhaler or topically application, mood-boosting essential oils can be an effective tool in alleviating anxiety and improving overall well-being.
Aromatherapy experts often suggest using multiple essential oils in combination to create an effective aromatherapy treatment plan tailored specifically for you. For instance, if you feel yourself tiring out after a long day at work, diffuse an invigorating essential oil such as peppermint to give your brain an invigorating boost and spark up energy production.
Lemon essential oil may provide an invigorating scent to relieve fatigue, according to past research. Lemon oil has been shown to significantly boost norepinephrine levels – an antidepressant brain chemical linked with reduced anxiety and depression levels.
Jenna Levine, founder of LINNE Botanicals, suggests black spruce oil as an invigorating scent to combat feelings of doubt, weariness and irritability. You can diffuse or apply directly onto skin for instant woodsy aromatherapy pick-me-up!
If you need an instant pick-me-up, Ylang ylang and lavender essential oils could provide just what’s needed – these oils can be massaged into wrists, necks and behind ears to promote relaxation and boost positive spirits.
Natural supplements can also help enhance your mood, particularly if you suffer from depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Henry Emmons, MD of the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota recommends adding high potency multivitamins containing extra vitamin D3 and EPA+DHA omega-3 fatty acids as well as B vitamins for cell metabolism and nervous system maintenance.
Stress Relievers
Stress can be an everyday part of life, but when it becomes excessive it can create significant difficulties in our daily lives. Thankfully, there are multiple strategies available to us for coping with stress and finding relief.
One effective strategy for relieving stress is identifying its sources and developing solutions to address them. Professional guidance may also help in this endeavor – find someone who can identify what’s causing you stress and teach new coping mechanisms for dealing with these situations.
Exercise can also be an invaluable coping mechanism, providing an excellent way to relax and boost your mood. Exercising also burns calories which contribute to weight loss as well as enhanced energy levels.
Diet can also play an essential role in helping reduce your stress levels, with studies revealing that individuals who follow a healthier diet, with less processed food and more whole grains, tend to experience reduced stress.
Essential oils may also be an effective way to help clients manage stress. Essential oils are extracted from flowers, leaves, roots and seeds of plants and used aromatically, topically or internally (provided they meet therapeutic grade certification).
Essential oils contain numerous chemical compounds that work to relieve stress and promote relaxation and healing. Their small molecular size makes them highly absorbent to skin surface cells and enter bloodstream quickly, quickly providing comforting benefits.
Immune System Boosters
Immune system boosters include herbs, foods, supplements, essential oils and lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise to strengthen and protect the immune system. Your body relies on its immune system to guard against germs, bacteria, viruses and other pathogens that could potentially lead to illness, so its strength depends on factors like diet, exercise and stress reduction.
Maintaining a strong immune system requires eating a nutritious diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables for optimal performance. These foods provide vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients necessary for immune health.
Avoiding refined sugars and fried foods will also help strengthen your immune system, as both have an inflammatory impact which causes stress on it.
Folate is a B vitamin that can also aid immune health. Consuming enough folate will protect you against cancer and other diseases; add folate-rich foods to your diet like dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds for the best protection.
Others foods that support a strong immune system include garlic, yogurt, olive oil and mushrooms. Garlic has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties which may reduce colds severity while yogurt’s probiotics and vitamin D content help strengthen your immunity to fight disease.
Strengthening your immune system requires taking an integrated, holistic approach, including nutrition, exercise and sleep. Addressing spinal misalignment in Virginia Beach may also play an integral part in improving how your immune system communicates with other organs within your body.
Pain Relievers
Pain is an everyday condition for many individuals and can have devastating repercussions for health and wellbeing. It can interfere with daily tasks, limit movement, cause emotional distress and lead to addiction to pain medication.
Are You Searching for Alternative Pain Medication Solutions? Consider Essential Oils As an alternative to prescription medication, essential oils offer natural ways to relax the body and alleviate both physical and psychological discomfort.
Essential oils can help relieve various types of pain, such as backache, muscle tension and fibromyalgia. Lavender, Chamomile Peppermint and Eucalyptus oils may provide effective pain relief options.
Lavender and chamomile both possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help alleviate pain caused by inflammation. Furthermore, they increase blood circulation while decreasing swelling.
Rosemary oil can also serve as an effective pain reliever, working similarly to ibuprofen in terms of effectiveness and can be used to treat rheumatic conditions, such as arthritis. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties help decrease nerve-related discomfort caused by chronic nerve disorders.
Eucalyptus oil contains anti-inflammatory, analgesic and nervine properties which help relieve pain and decrease swelling. Dilute it with carrier oil for massage therapy treatments or aromatherapy sessions.
Finding an essential oil suitable to your needs requires consulting a certified aromatherapist, who can recommend appropriate oils based on your situation and give instructions on how best to use them safely. Most importantly, use essential oils in moderation with proper dosage.
Sleep Aids
Sleep is an integral component of overall health and wellness, yet many struggle to get sufficient restful slumber. Poor sleep can contribute to stress, fatigue and mental health issues which make it hard to concentrate or enjoy activities.
There are natural sleep aids you can utilize to help enhance both your restful slumber and overall wellness, such as aromatherapy, supplements, and herbs.
Essential oils like lavender, chamomile and bergamot can be effective ways of helping you fall asleep more quickly. Simply sprinkle a few drops on your pillow or diffuse them throughout your bedroom.
Melatonin can also help you sleep through the night. Melatonin is produced naturally in your body; however, its production may be interrupted due to factors like jet lag or medications taken for medical conditions.
Glycine, an amino acid, may help lower body temperature and regulate your circadian rhythm, improving the quality of sleep by producing a relaxed and sleepy state.
Vitamin D is another popular sleep aid available in pill form. Vitamin D may improve your sleep by increasing melatonin production while simultaneously decreasing cortisol production by your body.
Prescription medications to treat insomnia may be effective, but should never replace lifestyle changes as the main solution. Always discuss potential risks and benefits with your healthcare provider prior to using any medication.
At the same time, it is crucial to limit OTC sleep aid use on an ongoing basis since this could lead to dependence and other side effects, which are unsafe for pregnant or nursing women as well as those living with certain medical conditions.