People living with arthritis can manage their condition with home remedies and an approved plan from their doctor, to relieve symptoms and enhance quality of life. These natural treatments may help ease discomfort while increasing quality of life.
However, it is wise to exercise some skepticism when looking at home remedies; many aren’t supported by science and some can interfere with medications prescribed to you.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annum) is an aromatic chili pepper found worldwide and often used fresh or dry to spice up dishes and drinks. Not only can this pepper add heat, but its numerous health benefits can serve as natural solutions for arthritis treatment as well.
Capsaicin, the chemical responsible for giving spice its heat, has been found to provide effective pain relief when applied topically to painful joints. By blocking nerve endings from transmitting signals of pain to your brain and applying regularly it may lessen the need for over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers. For an at-home ointment simply mix one dash of cayenne pepper into two teaspoons of olive oil until well blended then apply with gauze pads multiple times daily until skin desensitization takes place.
Another key benefit of turmeric spice is its ability to ease inflammation by blocking enzymes that trigger swelling. Furthermore, turmeric aids blood clot prevention through stimulating fibrinolytic process which breaks down fat deposits from clogging arteries and blood vessels and facilitates their natural excretion from body systems. Furthermore, turmeric aids diabetic patients by improving glucose metabolism.
Cayenne peppers contain an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamin A. Cayenne pepper has also been demonstrated to have hepatoprotective properties and help defend against oxidative stress by protecting liver cells against death; killing fungus which often contributes to autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis is another benefit; adding cayenne pepper to meals or mixing into a detox drink to cleanse the body and improve health is another option.
People suffering from arthritic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis often find relief through natural home remedies, including eating healthy, staying active, using herbs like turmeric and ginger, using chiropractic services, taking proteolytic enzymes and boswellia essential oil supplements.
Ginger contains compounds called glucosinolates that have been scientifically shown to block the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals within the body, helping reduce pain caused by both RA and OA. You can add ginger to your diet by sprinkling it on food, drinking tea with ginger added, or making juice out of ginger root. Or it can be applied directly as topical application by peeling and mincing up 3 inch piece of fresh ginger with just enough olive oil for it to form a paste that you apply directly onto painful joints before wrapping cloth or bandage over it – perfect!
Apply a combination of peppermint and eucalyptus oil directly onto the area in which there is arthritis pain for another natural method to combat pain relief. This approach offers an alternative to commercial nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), which have been linked with heart attacks and strokes. Before beginning this treatment plan, please conduct a patch test as any allergic reactions could arise from using these essential oils together; you can purchase such essential oil combinations at most health food stores.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is an herb commonly used as an herbal tea ingredient that provides soothing and therapeutic properties. This plant can help people fall asleep faster at night, reduce stress levels, improve immunity and aid healing processes. Furthermore, chamomile can also be found in topical skin care creams, soaps and shampoos and several studies suggest its anti-inflammatory benefits when consumed or applied topically.
Chamomile has long been prized as an ancient Egyptian and Roman medicinal remedy, revered for its healing properties. Today, it remains popular worldwide as an herbal remedy. Brewing hot or cold tea from it has shown antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects; taking supplements of it may also prove helpful; more research needs to be conducted before conclusive conclusions can be reached on either method of administration.
One study suggests that drinking chamomile tea could prevent dental infections like gingivitis due to its antimicrobial compounds. Furthermore, its soothing effect has been observed on stomach issues and digestive problems, as well as improved sleep and lower blood pressure levels.
Chamomile can act as both an anti-inflammatory and relaxant when used in bathwater, helping alleviate arthritis pain. When used as facial steam therapy, chamomile soothes skin conditions while relaxing muscles. For optimal results, Kluge suggests placing three or four teabags or four teaspoons of loose chamomile into a large bowl with water for steeping; she recommends covering your head with a towel while inhaling slowly from within its envelope and repeating this daily process.
If you’re considering trying chamomile supplements, look for ones that are certified organic with third-party testing references and come from brands with USP verification labels.
Arthritis can be debilitating and affect multiple parts of your body, from swelling to inflammation to stiffness in joints, muscles and tendons – not to mention other symptoms – which may eventually lead to disability and require expensive drugs with side effects that limit work ability and productivity.
But there’s good news – natural treatments for arthritis exist that are just as effective and safer in the long run than pharmaceutical medicines. These include diet and lifestyle adjustments such as regular physical activity or using essential oils that provide healing properties. Many individuals living with arthritic conditions claim relief through making changes to these aspects of their lives.
Diets high in fiber may help ease various health concerns, including arthritis. Foods to include are vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, soaked legumes/beans and nuts/seeds like flaxseeds/chia seeds. Avoiding foods high in inflammatory ingredients like sugar, refined conventional flour products, fried foods, fatty red meat and nightshade vegetables (aubergines/tomatoes/peppers) is also thought to help relieve arthritis symptoms.
Vitamin D is essential to overall health, including bone and joint wellness. By getting enough sunlight exposure each day, getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D from sunlight may reduce inflammation and help alleviate arthritis symptoms.
Sunlight can provide an easy natural way to obtain vitamin D, but it’s still important to protect your skin with sunscreen and lightweight clothing when necessary. Applying topical oil containing Boswellia serrata extract may also prove effective; massaging several drops into carrier oils such as coconut and massaging over painful joints several times daily could significantly alleviate arthritis symptoms.
Black Grams
Black Gram (Urad dal) is an essential element in South Indian cuisine, boasting abundant protein, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and antioxidants that offer multiple health benefits for heart, liver and gut health as well as good skin health. Coconut is also beneficial in terms of blood sugar management and energy boost, while helping reduce cholesterol levels. Furthermore, it contains plenty of niacin, iron, potassium and calcium that contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. Urad dal helps prevent kidney stones and stimulates their calcification, as well as helping existing ones become harder. Unfortunately, too much consumption of this nutrient-rich legume may cause bloating, gas, flatulence and diarrhea for some individuals – not recommended for breastfeeding mothers as it could induce colic in infants and raise blood uric acid levels leading to gout or kidney stones.
Additionally, collagen stimulation helps alleviate arthritis pain and swelling by flushing away free radicals that contribute to joint destruction. Furthermore, this therapy also reduces inflammation while strengthening joints – making it effective against many inflammatory conditions including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
As well as natural home remedies, those experiencing joint issues should follow a diet rich in high-fiber foods, such as vegetables, fruits, ancient grains, soaked legumes and beans, nuts and seeds. It’s wise to avoid foods which might trigger arthritis flare-ups like excess sugar; processed and refined foods; nightshade vegetables like potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes; dairy products; as well as excessive alcohol. In addition, be sure to drink lots of water while exercising regularly!