How to Make Your Own Natural DIY Toothpaste

How to Make Your Own Natural DIY Toothpaste

Homemade toothpaste can be both enjoyable and educational; it provides a fantastic opportunity for kids to learn about dental hygiene!

Homemade toothpaste can provide a healthy alternative to store-bought varieties. Homemade paste contains no synthetic additives or harmful toxins and can even whiten teeth naturally without fluoride!


Natural toothpastes have become an increasingly popular option among those seeking to avoid the chemicals found in conventional products. Many natural preparations contain ingredients known to promote oral health; however, this doesn’t guarantee their efficacy for everyone; prior to making significant changes in your oral care routine it is wise to consult a dental professional first.

Homemade toothpaste often features ingredients such as baking soda, coconut oil and xylitol that have proven themselves effective at supporting healthier teeth and gums, and instilling fresh breath.

Baking soda is an effective and mild abrasive, dissolving without leaving behind a gritty residue, helping neutralize excess acid in your mouth while also being alkaline-forming – two properties which may reduce risk of tooth decay and cavities.

Coconut oil is an integral component of homemade toothpastes due to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Furthermore, the oil helps combat plaque buildup which contributes to cavities and gum disease development.

Xylitol is an all-natural sweetener with antimicrobial properties that may help prevent tooth decay and sugar cravings, and make a good option for people with sensitive gums.

Once all the ingredients have been mixed together, transfer the paste to a small container with a tight-fitting lid for storage in a cool and dark location for up to 3 weeks of shelf life.

People may prefer making their own toothpaste using oil instead of water, as oil-based recipes tend to last longer. Furthermore, oil-based toothpastes often feature thicker consistency compared to those created from water – something which may help those with sensitive teeth.

Other ingredients you should keep in mind when creating homemade toothpaste include clay, sea salt and guar gum – each offering numerous dental and gum health benefits, which can be easily found in most supermarkets.


Doing your own natural toothpaste is an effective way to shield yourself from potentially hazardous ingredients found in commercial brands, including triclosan, artificial colorings and titanium dioxide – ingredients linked with ADHD/hyperactivity in children.

At its core, creating toothpaste requires mixing baking soda-based formula with other ingredients like salt and water to form a paste that’s both stable and mildly abrasive, potentially helping brighten teeth in the process.

Coconut oil is another essential element, helping prevent bacterial growth while providing a pleasant, creamy texture for toothpaste.

Other essential ingredients include essential oils such as peppermint and cinnamon essential oils that have anti-inflammatory properties as well as helping fight bad breath.

Stevia powder or liquid stevia extract are natural sweeteners that can add tooth-friendly sweetness to homemade toothpaste, and also be combined with flavor enhancers for additional benefits and flavors.

Some people enjoy adding spices like cloves or cinnamon to their toothpaste for both flavor and mild abrasion purposes, however make sure that you use finely ground spices in small enough quantities so as to prevent creating an uncomfortable texture in the paste.

Baking soda is an abrasive substance used to clean teeth and gums. Furthermore, it may help reduce cavities while strengthening enamel.

Add a few drops of essential oil to your homemade toothpaste for an aromatic experience that you won’t get elsewhere. There are numerous natural options such as peppermint, cinnamon and eucalyptus essential oils available on the market today that you could try adding.

To maximize your toothpaste’s potential, brush twice daily after eating or after snacking and floss daily in order to remove food debris from between your teeth.

DIY toothpaste recipes are simple to create at home using ingredients you likely already have on hand in your kitchen. A homemade version will leave your teeth feeling amazing!

Make homemade toothpaste by mixing the ingredients and storing in an airtight jar or refrigerator-friendly storage containers. Your results won’t last as long as commercial brands.


Maintaining oral health requires using toothpaste, but many store-bought varieties contain harmful ingredients that do not promote optimal wellbeing. Thankfully, you can easily make natural DIY toothpaste from ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen.

Make your own natural toothpaste using any one of several recipes available online to keep your mouth feeling clean, fresh, and free from harmful chemicals. Consider coconut oil, baking soda and salt as key ingredients when creating the toothpaste that best meets your needs.

Add an extra splash of flavor and abrasion to your toothpaste by mixing in ground spices such as cloves, cinnamon, ginger or mint for an added burst of spice and flavor. Also mix in powdered sweeteners such as xylitol or stevia for additional tooth-friendly sweetness.

As coconut oil liquefies at approximately 75 degrees Fahrenheit, it may soften in warmer environments (and separate if stored at room temperature), leading to runnier and runnier results in homemade toothpaste. Therefore, for best results I advise keeping it in an airtight jar with a tight fitting lid.

If you want your homemade toothpaste to be thicker, add more water. This will allow it to last longer while remaining thicker for easy dispensing.

Add essential oils for added flavor and antibacterial benefits; use as much or as little of them according to your personal taste and needs.

Last but not least, add in some drops of hydrogen peroxide to help fight cavities and bad breath by killing off bacteria that causes cavities. As it acts as a natural deodorizer as well, hydrogen peroxide will keep your teeth feeling fresher for longer!

If your gums are sensitive, you can replace the baking soda and salt in this recipe with some drops of stevia to lessen its salty flavor.


Homemade toothpaste can be an easy and sustainable solution to improving oral hygiene and reducing waste. Plus, it’s fun and engaging way to get kids involved in brushing their teeth too!

Homemade toothpaste offers several health advantages over store-bought options: no artificial preservatives or sodium lauryl sulfate to worry about; and it’s more concentrated so you can produce larger batches than commercial brands.

Coconut oil is an effective antibacterial ingredient to include in toothpaste. Used at higher concentrations, it can even reduce cavities-causing bacteria from entering your mouth – in addition to helping cleanse and whiten your teeth!

Baking soda can also make an excellent DIY toothpaste ingredient, helping maintain an alkaline pH in your mouth and decreasing risk of tooth decay. Furthermore, its mildly abrasive qualities help remove surface debris while simultaneously cleaning teeth.

Additionally, calcium and magnesium powder, known for its remineralizing properties and ability to prevent plaque build-up. Flavoring agents like stevia, xylitol or spices such as peppermint and cinnamon are also helpful additions.

Essential oils can make an excellent ingredient in homemade toothpaste recipes, helping reduce tooth sensitivity while protecting teeth and gums by clearing away plaque and killing bacteria. Neem, Frankincense and Tea Tree oil are especially helpful.

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, be sure to consult with a dentist prior to creating homemade toothpaste at home. They’ll know which formula will best fit you and your individual situation.

Make your own natural toothpaste using coconut oil, baking soda, salt and water in a small bowl or glass container. Mix until it forms a thick paste-like consistency before storing in an airtight jar or tube for future use when brushing teeth.

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