Create your own natural DIY beard oil using carrier oils like jojoba and coconut to promote both skin and facial hair health. This recipe uses carrier oils such as these for optimal skin and hair health.
Carrier oils serve as the vehicle for essential oils that contain more powerful essential ingredients, diluting them to avoid irritation or toxicity. This recipe incorporates soothing and aromatic oils for maximum benefit.
Peppermint Oil
Beard oil isn’t just an attractive accessory; it also helps nourish and hydrate the skin underneath facial hair, keeping it supple and healthy. Making your own beard oil is easy, affordable, and effective; plus it is much healthier than store-bought products which contain synthetic chemicals and additives.
Making an excellent beard oil requires using high-quality ingredients. The ideal beard oils are created using natural and pure oils bottled and sealed properly to prevent spoilage, like jojoba, coconut, argan and hemp seed oils which contain essential fatty acids that nourish both hair and skin. You can even customize it further to meet your own tastes by using any additional fragrances or essential oils of choice!
Peppermint oil is an invaluable component of beard oils as it soothes skin irritations and promotes growth, while providing antimicrobial benefits against dandruff and other scalp issues. An easy way to make peppermint oil at home is by steeping dried leaves in dark-colored bottles of jojoba, coconut, or argan oil for 24 hours and straining it through cheesecloth or muslin before storing your finished product in bottles for future use.
Erin Zadoorian from Ministry of Hemp has developed this recipe with masculine scents like lavender, bergamot and tobacco for an effective beard oil that not only smells fantastic, but may help your beard appear fuller and thicker over time.
This basic beard oil contains only carrier oils and essential oils, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin or allergies. Begin with 17 ml of grape seed carrier oil combined with 10 ml of jojoba oil before adding 3 drops of sandalwood essential oil and 6 drops of bergamot essential oil; seal and shake well to blend before using! Experiment with different combinations if you like; for instance adding two drops each of eucalyptus and tea tree essential oil would work just as well!
Tea Tree Oil
Steam distilled from the leaves of this plant, this oil is known for its antibacterial and healing properties as well as helping keep skin and beard health intact. Furthermore, some say it promotes hair growth!
Beard oil bottles will come in handy if you decide to create multiple recipes of this sort (although smaller batches are easy). In addition, disposable pipettes may help in measuring out carrier oils and essential oils for this recipe.
Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils, giving this beard oil its mild yet potency scent. Avocado, jojoba and sweet almond are among the many excellent carrier oils available that you can choose from as carrier bases – each will benefit your skin and hair in its own ways!
Sweet Almond Oil Sweet almond oil makes an excellent base oil for beard oil recipes as its abundance of vitamin A makes it ideal for keeping beard and skin hydrated. Furthermore, its pleasant nutty scent makes it suitable for sensitive skin as well.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil has long been prized for its soothing qualities and stimulating hair growth, so it is often added to beard oils. Furthermore, its regular use helps rid of dandruff while at the same time helping prevent wrinkles from developing on your face.
Lemongrass Oil
This steam distilled extract of the leaves of the lemongrass plant is used to promote beard health by keeping it strong and healthy. Additionally, its citrus fragrance is said to reduce dandruff. It has an appealing light citrus smell which most men find pleasing.
To create your own DIY beard oil, mix equal parts of each of these ingredients in a glass bottle:
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is an indispensable component of many beard oils. It hydrates skin and beard alike while helping prevent ingrown hairs, and may promote growth and thickness. Plus, its hypoallergenic formula means no clogged pores or acne outbreaks are likely. With its light texture blending seamlessly into other oils without leaving you feeling greasy afterwards, jojoba can be found in most beauty stores or online; search out organic varieties without added fragrance or dyes.
Carrier oils serve as the foundation of most beard oil recipes, providing a means for diluting more concentrated essential oils while attenuating their effects. Their faint scent won’t interfere with that of your essential oils; some popular examples are jojoba, sweet almond and coconut oils.
Though many people use beard oil for its health benefits, the FDA does not regulate or monitor their purity or quality. Before beginning to use beard oil, be sure to consult your physician on potential side effects and what steps can be taken if they occur. Furthermore, only purchase your oils from reputable companies and do patch testing prior to applying new products directly onto your body.
With this beard oil recipe, you’ll combine jojoba oil, hemp seed oil, argan oil, and coconut oil for nourishment of your beard and skin. Bergamot and tobacco essential oils give this beard oil its distinctive smell; alternatively you could try lavender, lemongrass or fir needle oils instead!
Jojoba oil makes for an ideal base oil for beard oil as it’s highly absorbable by both skin and hair, yet gentle on sensitive skin. Plus, you can easily customize its recipe with other ingredients to create something truly personalized!
Before adding essential oils, ensure all carrier oils such as jojoba or other have been fully mixed into the mixture using either a spoon or disposable pipettes – either will help ensure that your beard oil will always have the perfect consistency! Once satisfied with its consistency, transfer to a small brown bottle for storage out of direct sunlight.
Frankincense Oil
This recipe uses oil infused with frankincense as an effective anti-ageing remedy that can help diminish fine lines and wrinkles while simultaneously thickening and strengthening beards for fuller, thicker growth. You can find this oil online or at health food stores; its preparation requires two ingredients. You can then add additional scents if desired or use this base oil as the foundation of new creations!
To create this oil, begin by mixing essential oils into a small glass bottle at a ratio determined by each essential oil’s packaging. Fill out any gaps with carrier oils of your choosing before closing and shaking well prior to each use.
Carrier oils are an essential component in beard oil recipes because they act as a base for more potency essential oils and dilute them further without overwhelming other components in the beard oil blend. Some popular choices for carrier oils for beard oils include jojoba, sweet almond and argan oils – best used with care!
Live Bearded offers this beard oil recipe using essential oils to create a warm and inviting aroma, ideal for those wanting a relaxing morning routine with citrus scents reminiscent of Christmas morning. Combine all your oils in a cup or bowl before pouring them into a dropper bottle for storage.
An amber colored glass bottle will help provide added UV light protection and will protect the oils from degrading over time, potentially leading to rancidity more rapidly than desired.
Make beard oil the easy way by mixing essential oils into any carrier oil of your choice and pouring the mixture into a dark glass bottle, shaking before each use. This recipe was inspired by one of the world’s most acclaimed cocktails: an Oak Wood Absolute cocktail featuring Pomegranate Juice Absolute with Pomegranate Puree, Vanilla Extract, and Ginger to produce a luxurious scent that’ll have you looking swanky when worn!