Essential Oils for Moms-to-Be
Essential oils are natural substances derived from plants. Essential oils provide an effective natural way of helping your body heal itself naturally.
As with many things, essential oils should be used with care in order to reap their full benefits without jeopardizing your or your baby’s health. We want you to reap their advantages without harming either of them! Here are a few key points for doing just that!
1. Don’t Inhale
Essential oils have become an increasingly popular natural remedy among pregnant women seeking support during gestation. Like any health product, essential oils may contain risks if misused; however, most oils are safe if properly diluted before application directly to skin.
Essential oil use offers numerous health advantages, from relieving anxiety and stress to encouraging restful sleep and increasing energy levels. They may even provide relief from pregnancy-related ailments like nausea and headaches.
Essential oils should only be used safely during pregnancy through diffusion or topically application, with all methods diluted down to no more than 1 percent by weight.
Purchase only therapeutic-grade oils that have been verified as safe for internal consumption through third-party testing, and avoid purchasing those mixed with ingredients such as fragrances or perfumes, which could contain potentially hazardous chemicals.
As a rule, it is wise not to inhale essential oils as these can irritate your nose and breathing passages and can also form toxic compounds once absorbed by your bloodstream, potentially having negative impacts both for you and your baby.
If you choose to diffuse or apply essential oils topically, it is imperative that they always be applied with a carrier oil such as coconut, almond or grapeseed in order to avoid skin irritation. Some essential oils can be extremely concentrated and could irritate skin if absorbed without first being mixed with another carrier oil such as coconut, almond or grapeseed.
Pregnant women should avoid certain oils that are generally considered unsafe during gestation, including eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, lavender and tea tree oils. These substances can irritate their throat as well as potentially trigger an allergic reaction in some individuals.
Additionally, certain oils can be phototoxic (meaning that exposure to sunlight could result in adverse skin reactions), making them too powerful for pregnant women with compromised immune systems.
2. Dilute
Essential oils are natural aromatic extracts with numerous chemicals that have numerous therapeutic uses for your body. You can use essential oils as aromatherapy or topical treatments.
Natural remedies are becoming more and more popular as parents seek natural ways to keep their families healthy. Although essential oils have not been extensively researched, they may possess various health benefits and could even be combined with other natural treatments for an holistic healing approach.
But as with other natural alternatives, essential oils should only be used during pregnancy with caution and care. Essential oils are not meant to be swallowed directly or applied directly onto the skin without first being diluted with carrier oils such as jojoba or coconut oil before use.
Second, essential oils are highly concentrated substances and should only be applied undiluted directly onto the skin or inhaled through inhalation. Doing this could breach the placental barrier and harm fetuses. Therefore, pregnant women should use essential oils with care under guidance from either their healthcare provider or aromatherapist.
Thirdly, essential oils can lead to allergic reactions and other negative side effects if not properly diluted – this is why aromatic or topical treatments using essential oils require further diluting them before use.
Specifically, to use lavender as a relaxing bath or massage oil, it will need to be combined with an appropriate base oil such as jojoba, avocado or coconut oil in order to avoid it being absorbed through your skin or inhaled through your nose – an especially safe method if you’re pregnant!
Before using essential oils containing high levels of eucalyptol, be sure to dilute them with a carrier oil for use during labor and delivery. This will ensure the safety of both you and your baby during this crucial process.
Though these tips can help, it’s important to keep in mind that there is no scientific proof essential oils are safe during pregnancy. Before making any decisions based on alternative therapies alone, speak with your healthcare provider, midwife or doula about any possible therapies you might consider in this time of transition.
3. Don’t Eat
As a pregnant mother and an essential oil user, there are some key points you need to remember about using essential oils safely. First and foremost is safety.
Essential oils may be harmful when taken internally, so the safest approach is to dilute them with coconut, almond or grapeseed oil as a carrier oil.
Essential oils are natural extracts found in flowers, roots, seeds, fruit or bark of plants and used for aromatherapy, cosmetic blending and as fragrances or food additives.
They contain therapeutic and aromatic agents such as terpenes, esters, oxides, alcohols, phenols, ketones and aldehydes that give these products their therapeutic and aromatic qualities.
These oils may help treat common pregnancy symptoms or enhance a mother’s birth experience; however, they should only be used after consulting your healthcare provider.
At first trimester, essential oils should not be used, as this period is the most crucial one for the development of your baby and poses the highest risk of miscarriages and other obstetric complications.
Essential oils should only be used if approved by your physician or midwife and mixed into a base carrier oil for proper dilution. Furthermore, breastfeeding mothers should refrain from applying oils directly onto their breasts as it could hinder milk supply and interfere with breastfeeding success.
Some moms-to-be may choose to diffuse certain oils into their home to reduce stress and relax during gestation, such as ylang-ylang, lavender and chamomile. These scents may help ease nausea or anxiety symptoms by soothing the body.
At times of high tension or anxiety during labor, diffusing soothing oils like ylang-ylang, chamomile and neroli can help soothe nerves and ease tension.
Avoid oils known to induce uterine contractions during pregnancy: cinnamon, clove, rosemary, clary sage and juniper.
Essential oils are highly potent substances, and should never be consumed orally as they can enter your system through either your stomach or intestines. Furthermore, ingestion can even reach your lungs causing pneumonia!
Start out small when starting with essential oils; consult with a doctor or midwife first before beginning and only use in combination with a base such as coconut, almond or grapeseed oil.
4. Don’t Apply
Essential oils have quickly become a go-to natural remedy for various health concerns, from anxiety or insomnia relief to supporting a healthy lifestyle and supporting weight management. Before adding essential oils into your daily regimen – particularly while pregnant – here are a few things you should know first.
One key piece of information you should keep in mind about essential oils is that they are powerful substances, and should only be used under the direction of a qualified aromatherapist. Therefore, it is wise to avoid applying or intaking undiluted oils directly onto your skin or ingestion directly.
Remember, as well, that most oils contain high concentrations of active ingredients; therefore, when mixing with another base or carrier oil to dilute them. Doing this can prevent unwanted side effects like rashes, burning and chemical reactions from arising.
Therefore, it’s wise to start off slowly by taking only a few drops and gradually building up to more potency as your tolerance to aroma increases. This will reduce any risk associated with using essential oils on yourself or baby and ensure their safety for both parties involved.
Essential oils deemed suitable for pregnant moms-to-be include lavender and chamomile, both of which can help to relax you and alleviate stress. Lavender is often the go-to essential oil when it comes to alleviating pregnancy- and labor-related symptoms; but there are others as well.
When purchasing essential oils, be sure to purchase only those crafted from pure plant materials. Furthermore, glass bottles offer greater protection as they won’t break down over time, altering or diluting their chemical makeup and altering its purity over time.
As much as possible, try to steer clear of synthetic fragrances and additives which could potentially harm your baby. Furthermore, be aware of both label and manufacturer before purchasing any essential oil bottle.
There are various oils that are safe for pregnant women to use while gestating, including bergamot, frankincense, juniper berry peppermint tea tree and lemon oil. While they should be taken during both trimesters it is wise to consult your physician first before starting use of these products.